의료진 마취통증의학과
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[경력] 2020 .03 ~ | 서울아산병원 마취통증의학과 임상조교수
[경력] 2017 .03 ~ 2020 .02 | 서울아산병원 마취통증의학과 임상전임강사
- 학술활동
[논문] Comparison of preemptive and preventive intravenous acetaminophen on opioid consumption in pediatrics undergoing posterior spinal fusion surgery: a randomized controlled trial 외 28편 + 더보기
[의학포스터] "Cytotoxicity of halogenated volatile anesthetics (Desflurane, Sevoflurane, Isoflurane) on human bone marrow stromal cells and chondrocytes " + 더보기